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How you can help save the bees!

Howdy bees! Thank goodness the weather took a turn for the better, heh? We don’t know about you, but we were really bored of the constant rain here at The Hive.  Luckily the sun decided to show it’s face over the weekend and we couldn’t resist spending some time catching the rays to make up for last week! Whist trying (and failing) to get a tan, we noticed that our wild flowers had grown, yipeee! Thank goodness, as although Ron is an excellent beekeeper, we must confess, we’re definitely not natural born gardeners ourselves! No fear though, Mother Nature has been working her magic…

So after some exciting announcements the past few weeks, this week we wanted to remind you why us worker bees love wildflowers so much and to give you a few top tips on planting yours – even if you don’t have a garden!!

Bees LOVE wildflowers!

What’s the bee issue?

As most of you know, the bee population has been struggling – but if you’re new to Just Bee blogs, here is a quick catch up… we care so much about bees not just because they give us honey (although this is a good enough reason lol), but more importantly because we reply on bees and other pollinators for about 1/3 of all the food we put in our mouths! YES, can you bee-lieve 1 in every 3 mouthfuls of food we eat is thanks to the humble bee pollinating our famers fields? – thanks bees!

One of the reasons bees haven’t been doing as well is changes in the British (and other countries) landscapes. Not too long ago, they were much more colourful than they are now. With more hedgerows and meadows full of flowers, which in turn supported a huge variety of wildlife, including our bees! However, urbanisation and our increasing demand for food production and modern agricultural practices have led to a decrease in the amount of bee-friendly habitat available - since 1930 we've lost 90% of our wildflowers in the UK. Bees rely on flowers for food (nectar and pollen), so it’s not surprising that if the number and variety of flowers has decreased, then so has the bee population!

Don’t worry though …we can all help!

Well, one of the best things you can do is to plant some bee-friendly flowers and plants. There are a whole host of different types you can choose – if you'd like a copy of the Just Bee grow guide just pop us an email It’s estimated that our gardens cover over 1 million acres in the UK, so if we all create a mini bee paradise (think Butlins for bees!), we have an unBEElieavbly good chance of reversing the fortunes of our furry friends!

Oh, and if you haven’t already, then don’t forget to get some FREE bee-friendly wildflower seeds from our website. Just follow this link for more details click here

No garden? No problem!

The great thing about wildflower seeds is that they’re easy to grow (thank goodness!) and they thrive in most gardens without much trouble. All you need is some good soil, plenty of sunlight and water. And if you haven’t got space to plant them in your garden, then don’t worry either! You can always plant them in a plant pot, a local park, perhaps a friend’s garden, or even in a few old Just Bee honey pots instead… The bees aren’t fussed about where the flowers are planted; they love them all the same. Why not watch the quick video with Founder Joe shows us:




Here’s a  “before” photo of one of our worker bees wildflower patches. It looked rather bare to start with…

Now look how it’s doing! Give it a few more weeks and they’ll all be blooming with lots flowers with varying colours!

Thank you for all the pics of flowers and BEE-utiful gardens you’ve emailed in to us – we do love to see how you’re all getting along! If you’ve planted any of our wildflower seeds please do send us a piccy as we’re going to send our favourite a Just Bee gift this week. Comment or tag us on social @justbee.honey so we can see what you’ve been up to 🙂

Remember bees, every small gesture of flowers and plants helps to make a big difference to our fury friends! 

Until next week, keep on buzzing!

Blogger Bee x

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