3 beauty uses with honey

Hello bees and happy last day of July It feels like this month’s flown faster than a bee into a meadow of flowers. Last week we were sheltering from the sporadic summer storms (check out that alliteration...) and finding new ways to use our favourite golden ingredient… adding a dash to our afternoon cuppa, mixing up lots of yummy treats AND using it on our skin too.
Yep, that’s correct – we’ve been using honey in our BEEuty routines. And guys, this one isn’t just for the girls. We have some great all-natural ways to freshen up your skin and treat any blotches or acne too. Loaded with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and natural enzymes, honey is a top notch product for slapping on your body – click below for our top 3 tips for BEEutiful skin.
Note on what honey to use: When using honey on our skin we prefer to use raw honey (hasn’t been cooked or heated in the production process). Raw honey tends to have higher anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, meaning it’ll work better on your skin and it great for just about any skin type or condition. You can find raw honey at larger supermarkets or your local farmers market.
- Eco exfoliator – to get rid of dead skin cells and leave your face feeling oh so smooth!
As we said earlier, raw honey is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal; therefore it reduces inflammation and hydrates your skin at the same time. In this recipe, we combine honey with brown sugar as the sugar crystals make an excellent natural scrub! Sugar is also a source of glycolic acid, which boosts new cell production and breaks down the protein that keeps the dead cells hanging onto your skin.
To make your own eco friendly exfoliator, mix together 1 tablespoon of raw honey, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Gently massage the paste onto you and leave in place for 5-10 minutes (resisting the urge to lick it off!). Rinse well with warm water and a damp cloth and then moisturize. We won’t deny this one’s a little bit sticky, but we promise it’s worth it bees for BEEautifully smooth skin!
- Acne aid
Let’s not ignore the evidence bees - numerous clinical trials have shown that honey is an effective antibacterial agent. This means it works great for acne treatment. The remedy for this one is pretty easy. Simply dab a small amount of raw honey onto your spot/spots using a cotton bud. For an extra boost, try mixing the raw honey with a smidgen of tea tree oil, another great natural antibacterial ingredient! You can do this before bed but we recommend you wash it off first, otherwise your pillow might end up a bit sticky!!
- Natural facemasks
A few months ago we shared two of our favourite homemade facemasks, one for dry skin – our hydrating mask, and one for sensitive skin – our antioxidant mask. Honey is a natural humectant, a substance that reduces the loss of moisture by drawing moisture from the air into the skin and retaining it for long-lasting hydration. Combine this with a few of our favourite natural ingredients and we’re got some super BEElicious facemasks. Who needs high end cosmetics anyway?!
To check out the recipes follow the link here:
What do you think bees? Have you tried using honey in your skincare routine? Did it help? We’d love to know how you get on with these tips by commenting below or tagging us on our socials @justbee.honey. Oh and we forgot to mention that everything is edible, so technically you could just lick it all off if you get peckish lol!
Have a BEEutiful first week of August bees!
Blogger Bee x